Our Home Support with security/services solution for pre-seniors/seniors is unique.
In order to anticipate the risks of attack at home, in addition to an advanced and customizable alarm/remote monitoring, our solution also offers a remote filtering-guarding system for your apartment entrance door. We can monitor entrances and exits for you and have the police and/or a security agent intervene quickly.
Our offer also includes an electronic lock which allows you to accept deliveries directly to your refrigerator in your absence (optionally you can monitor the delivery with cameras if you wish).
Specifically for pre-seniors and seniors, our system can detect their possible falls without them having to wear anything. Ideal when we know that detectors in the form of bracelets or medallions are particularly stigmatizing and can prove ineffective. We will soon have a service with an agent who will come to pick up people at their home if they have fallen and provide them with assistance.
A cardiac defibrillator available in your apartment completes our offer and will provide your family - and in solidarity also with the residents of your building - additional medical security.
Remote monitoring of the site is ensured by our partner benefiting from administrative authorization
N°:01421130312 20140375250. Administrative authorization does not confer any official character on the company or individuals
who benefit from it. It in no way engages the responsibility of the public authorities. Article L612-14 of the CSI.
Ref. : Y9KL4QR
Price : Contact us
Type of property :
Surface : 0 m2
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